Kins Domains
What is a Kins Domain?
Kins Domains is a people's movement inspired by a set of books by a gentleman called Vladimir Megre. These books speak of a woman, Anastasia, in the Taiga Forest in Russia who shares her thoughts on natural family spaces centred within the forest garden. amongst many other things. We are incredibly inspired by this movement and we wish to share what it is below.
A Kins Domain is a plot of land that is up to 2.5 acres or 1 Hectare in size. It includes everything you could imagine a self-regenerating homestead would have. There is a logic and an art to planning and designing your domain and you will be supported through the entire process. This domain is a living space, literally, that brings clean air, vitality and nutritious food.
For more information on the Kins Domains, please visit:
What is Within a Kins Domain?
Productive Living Fence
Imagine surrounding the boundary of your home with a living productive fence which harbours life and produces food, gives off wonderful colours and scents year round and provides private sanctuary for you and your family without rotting or needing to be replaced like wooden fence post do.
Naturally Built Home
Making your home out of naturally sourced materials like cob or wood can be more affordable and more harmoious for you and your environment. From better insulation ratings to the creative expression involved in moulding your own home with your bare hands, these houses wil TRULY make a home.
You will be able to plant your orchards with native species of your choosing. Allowing you to grow an incredible amount of your yearly food. From apples to pears to plums, cherries and much more. You can grow, eat, make and give away a whole variety of food stuffs just from your orchard.
Planted Forest
Respecting the native species in any given area is very important. Planting woodlands, if done right and in respect to the natural patterns of forests and woodlands, can provide you with firewood, vital ecosystem stability, shelter and produce in regards to mushrooms etc.
Flower & Herb Gardens
Flowers and herbs can act as incredible companion plants for other vegetables and trees and they can provide an amazing array of benefits all on their own. From food, medicine, helping to maintain balance, fertiliser, pest and disease managements and much more. The scents and colours also help connect us with our creative sides.
Vegetable Gardens
Vegetable gardens will be grown with the intelligence of the forest. Utilising Permaculture and forest gardening to minimise the amount of work you have to do whilst increasing crop yields and the stability of your garden. Growing a wide variety of food allows you to support yourself from the entire nutritional table.
Bees play an enormous role in the forest garden. Much like all insects do. Through polination and production of honey you can learn to keep bees in a natural and harmonious way. Benefiting from honey and helping to support our bee populations from industrial pesticides and insecticides.
We are advocates of living in harmony with all things so our group does not resonate with killing animals for meat. We do however believe that certain animals, when respected, loved and cared for, will produce for people voluntarily. Eggs, honey and possibly milk are what we have included in the model.
Ponds are another key component to a kins domain. It helps bring water into the space as well as attracting more animals and insects. It can regulate the temperature of the garden and provide an ambience to enjoy.
Renewable Energy
Harnessing the energy from wind and water if there is a high open space on the land and a lake, river or nearby stream. Biogigesters are another great way to look at using the waste products from animals or from the domain. We expect more profound forms of renewable energy to surface soon also.
Compost areas are important for breaking down food waste and providing you with soil/compost/mulch rich in nutrients.
Permaculture Principles include reusing and repurposing all waste materials, whether for water, food or human waste. There are different methods of composting depending on the waste product.
Mushroom Cultivation
Fungi are also very important for the soil structure, biodiversity and the overall web of life that exists in the soil beneath our feet. They provide us with fruiting bodies, mycelium and mycorrhizal fungi structure for the soil, helping create a very strong and resilient ecosystem and crops.
Organic Grains
Organic grains can bring a large quantity of food into the community. You domain could have a portion of your land dedicated to growing a grain or you could swap and trade with the village for the grains and cereals.
Water Catchment
Capturing water from your roof is also a huge benefit when you can filter that water and keep as much of it on site as possible. Not only is this a great element to self sufficiency but it allows you to be more incontrol of the type of water you have on your site. I.e not filled with chemicals and toxic metals.
Greenhouse & Polytunnel
Creative Natural Spaces
Many of our diets consist of foods that do not grow here. So some of your food can be grown within a greenhouse to provide you with healthy crops of tomatoes, peppers, grapes and other kinds of fruit and vegetables that are not necessarily designed to grow in other climates. Not only this but greenhouses can extend the growing season significantly.
It's important that your creativity is given an opportunity to flourish. Using natural materials there is no end to the amount of things and spaces you can create. Like wooden seating, stone circles, cob statues and much more. A Kins domain is about expressive freedom thats in harmony with nature.
Generational Perpetuity
Someone's Kins Domain won't just be a plot of land which supports them on every level. It will be a gift passed down to your children in perpetuity. Meaning your children will be able to live happily in the space you created. When you pass on from this world you will be given the option to be buried on your plot without a headstone so that the garden may become the place of remembrance for your children. Every flower, every berry, reminding them of your gift to them. Your space of love, your Kins Domain which now lives on as an extension of your love for them.